Thank you for choosing Kaiser Financial Services, Inc. for your personalized home loan. If you prefer not to fill out the secure application online, you may call Roger directly and he'll take your information over the phone (TEL 760-383-1293); or you may print out the following PDF's (Loan Application; Borrower Credit Application), fill them out, and either fax them back to us (FAX 760-482-1293) or scan and email them to
Personalized Home Loans

Kaiser Financial Services, Inc. NMLS 110855
Steps to get the loan for a condo complex
or unit approved
If the condo complex already appears on the following lists, then it is already approved for loans:
(NOTE: If the condo project does not appear on the VA list, VA allows us to close loans on all condo projects listed on the FHA list.)

If the condo complex is not on any of these lists, we can guide you to fill out the form that is applicable to your specific project. Among the candidate forms are:
Fannie Mae condo – limited review (form 1077)
Owner-occupied condo: minimum 10% down payment
Investor-owned condo: minimum 25% down payment for CA, minimum 30% down payment for FL
What is the advantage of a limited review versus a full review?

Thank you for choosing Kaiser Financial Services, Inc.
If you have any questions regarding the condo loan approval specific to your situation,
call Team Roger and we'll guide you through the process over the phone!
TEL 760-383-1293